Lead by Example with Teens

October 22, 2015

Did you know this week is National Teen Driver Safety Week? How can we influence our teens to make good decisions while driving? Perhaps the best approach is by being a good model.


Let’s take to heart these tips offered by the U.S. Department of Transportation.


  1. No Drinking and Driving.

Set a good example by not driving after drinking. Remind your teen that drinking before the age of 21 is illegal, and alcohol and driving should never mix no matter your age.


  1. Buckle Up. Every Trip. Every Time. Front Seat and Back.

Lead by example. If you wear your seat belt every time you’re in the car, your teen is more likely to follow suit. Remind your teen that it’s important to buckle up on every trip, no matter how far or how fast.


  1. Put It Down. One Text or Call Could Wreck It All.

Remind your teen about the dangers of texting or dialing while driving, and that the phone is off-limits when they are on the road. It’s equally important to model safe driving habits for your teen—you shouldn’t text and drive either.


  1. Stop Speeding Before It Stops You.

Drive the speed limit and require your teen to do the same. Explain that every time your speed doubles, your stopping distance quadruples.


  1. No More Than One Passenger at Any Time.

With each passenger in the vehicle, your teen’s risk of a fatal crash goes up. (Of course, there are driving restrictions for permit and junior license holders).

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